Twice in my life I was taken on a journey within. I started writing about each of these journeys before I knew where they would lead. My writings became my first two books – Choosing to Heal: A journey through time into eternity and back, and more recently, The Puppet Master’s Secret. A collection of blogs from these journeys and the time in between also recently saw the light, namely Magical, Mystical, Miracle Life: It just is.
By now I know what it feels like when I am called to begin the climb up a mountain with its peak hidden somewhere in the clouds. There will be no way to avoid it and I am not even going to try. In fact, I am very excited about this new chapter and my third journey within – in part at least, as I will definitely be packing my backpack and take a long trip for this inner journey.
For many years I have felt a deep longing to visit the Andes mountains of South America. And that is exactly where I will soon be headed. As I write these words, I have not booked my ticket, and I am not entirely sure exactly where I intend to go. But the Andean Shamans have something to teach me. Of that I am sure. And hopefully, whatever I end up learning, will find its way into my blogs, to be shared with you.
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